e-Resources of Universities’ Central Library provides a wide range of electronic resources including online databases, full-text journal articles and indexes, ebooks, newspapers, magazines, etc.
A wide range of scholarly e-journal and e-book collections, high quality reference information and academic databases is now available to library users through the eLibrary Myanmar project.
Users can cross-search the full text of over 15,000 full text journals, 140,000 e-books plus other materials such as newspapers, statistical information, images and more using online Discovery Service or can direct access to individual e-journal and e-book collections, and databases. Click the links below to get started.
Reference and newspapers
- Credo Online Reference Service: Academic Core Collection
- EBSCO Newspaper Source
- MasterFILE Premier
- Oxford English Dictionary Online
- Oxford Quick Reference
Multidisciplinary e-resources
- Cambridge Journals Online
- EBSCO Academic Search Premier (available through the main Discovery Service)
- EBSCO eBook Academic Subscription Collection (available through the main Discovery Service)
- Edward Elgar Journals and eBook Collections (Law and Development Studies)
- Intellect Journals Collection
- Oxford Handbooks Online
- Oxford Journals Collection
- Oxford Scholarship Online
- Sage Research Methods
- Sage Research Methods Cases
- Taylor & Francis Combined Library
- HeinOnline Academic Core Collection
- JustCite
- Justis
- Investment Claims
- LexisNexis (Lexis Singapore Research Service)
- Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
- Oxford Constitutions of the World
- Oxford Legal Research Library
- Oxford Reports on International Law
- Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law
- BioOne
- IOPscience
- Nature Publishing Group Journals
- Royal Society of Chemistry eBooks
- Royal Society of Chemistry Journals Archive
- Royal Society of Chemistry Gold
- Royal Society Journals Collection
Business, Economics and Education
URKUND – the solution to plagiarism problems
URKUND offers a fully-automated system for handling plagiarism. In short, the students send their documents to their teachers by e-mail. Along the electronic route between student and teacher, the documents are checked against three central source areas: Internet, published material and student material. If any document displays similarities with the content in the three sources, the system will flag it for possible plagiarism. An analysis overview is generated and sent by e-mail to the teacher concerned. The analysis overview presents in a simplified form the information needed by the teacher in order to determine if plagiarism has occurred.
ProQuest Central database serves as the central resource for researchers at all levels. Covering more than 160 subjects areas. It is the largest aggregated data base of periodical content. This award-winning online reference resource features a highly-respected, diversified mix of content including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, books, newspapers, reports and videos. It includes following 30 databases.
1. ABI/INFORM Complete
2. Accounting & Tax
3. Banking Information Source
4. Canadian Newsstand
5. CBCA Complete
6. Hoover’s Company Profiles
7. OxResearch
8. Pharmaceutical News Index
9. ProQuest Asian Business & Reference
10. ProQuest Biology Journals
11. ProQuest Career and Technical Education
12. ProQuest Computing
13. ProQuest Criminal Justice
14. ProQuest Education Journals
15. ProQuest European Business
16. ProQuest Family Health
17. ProQuest Health & Medical Complete
18. ProQuest Health Management
19. ProQuest Military Collection
20. ProQuest Newsstand
21. ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source
22. ProQuest Political Science
23. ProQuest Psychology Journals
24. ProQuest Religion
25. ProQuest Research Library
26. ProQuest Science Journals
27. ProQuest Social Science Journals
28. ProQuest Sociology
29. ProQuest Telecommunications
30. Snapshots
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Global is the world’s most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, offering millions of works from thousands of Universities. Each year hundreds of thousands of works are added. Full-text coverage spans from 1743 to present, with citation coverage dating back to 1637.
You have access to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Business, Health & Medicine, History, Literature & Language, Science & Technology, Social Sciences and the Arts.
iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software
iThenticate or similar software to detect and deter plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Researchers can identify and address potential areas of concern from early in the writing process by using iThenticate themselves.
Myanmar Education Research and Learning Portal
The MERAL Portal is a project of the Myanmar Rectors’ Committee, National Education Policy Commission, Department of Higher Education, the Ministry of Education, with support from EIFL (Electronic information for Libraries) and the National Institute of Informatics, Japan. The MERAL Portal provides free and open access to research publications (from international and local journals, theses, conference papers, etc.) and to teaching and learning materials from Universities in Myanmar.
9,000,000 Research, Rare and Classic Full-Text eBooks and eDocuments fully downloadable, printable and shareable. It is daily used by millions of professional scholars as a primary source of classic and rare eBooks to substantiate their academic papers and prove their “originality”. It offers the most influential books in humanities, science and technology originally printed from the 10th till the 19th centuries. It is the only eBook database with digitally enhanced editions of scanned books from the top universities in USA and Canada. More than 1000 years worth of books conveniently searchable across 200 specialty collections. eBooks and eDocuments available in over 200 languages. Key academic subjects covered include: Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Economy, Management, Government, History, Agriculture, Medicine, Education, Fine Arts, Languages, Law, Literature, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Anthropology, and Technology.
ACS journals front file and back file – Full text and Comprehensive collection of journals in the chemical and related sciences. Includes access to about 40 journals published by the American Chemical Society.
iG Library – iG Publishing eBooks Collection
iG Publishing eBooks Collection is a very comprehensive collection and covers very wide area of subjects. It includes Arts & recreation, Computer science, information & general works, History & geography, Language, Literature, Philosophy and psychology, Religion, Science, Social sciences, Technology, etc.
It includes more than 26,000 eBook titles – Arts & recreation (1580 tiles), Computer science, information & general works (1166 titles), History & geography (2084 titles), Language (118 titles), Literature (1734 titles), Philosophy and psychology (1209 titles), Religion (1324 titles), Science (2665 titles), Social sciences (9955 titles) and Technology (4837 titles).
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was born on 30 September 1961. Today, 34 OECD member countries worldwide regularly turn to one another to identify problems, discuss and analyse them, and promote policies to solve them.
OECD iLibrary is the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers and statistics and is the gateway to OECD’s analysis and data. It is the global knowledge base for OECD’s data and analysis. It contains all books and papers published since 1998 – as well as a vast collection of statistics, with data going back to the early 1960s.
OECD iLibrary also contains content published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF).
Content of OECD iLibrary
9,440 ebook titles
37,200 chapters
76,400 tables and graphs
3,800 articles
3,860 multilingual summaries
4,220 working papers
3,640 key tables
5 billion data points across 42 databases.
Skillsoft’s Books24x7® provides leading on demand business, technical and engineering content containing thousands of digitized “best in class” books, book summaries, research reports and best practices. The Books24x7 On Demand Platform enables users to search, browse, read and collaborate with other users of these vast professional libraries.
Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA)
The AGORA programme, set up by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) together with major publishers, enables developing countries to gain access to an outstanding digital library collection in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. AGORA provides a collection of up to 6,100 key journals and 5,800 books to 2,900 institutions in more than 100 countries. AGORA is designed to enhance the scholarship of the many thousands of students, faculty and researchers in agriculture and life sciences in the developing world. AGORA is one of the four programmes that make up Research4Life: AGORA, HINARI, OARE and ARDI.
The eTekkatho library contains over 1,700 full text academic resources. This second edition of the library covers education, human geography, physical geography, earth sciences and the environment along with supporting subjects of computer literacy, mathematics and English language. All the resources are selected and described by subject specialists.
The Journal of the Burma Research Society was the first academic journal devoted to Burma Studies. The journal started in 1911 about the same time as The Journal of the Siam Society. It was published in Burma but is no longer published today.
JBRS had 59 volumes spanning a period of 70 years, with a total of 377 authors writing about 631 subjects. It comprises more than 132 issues with over 1,300 articles (more than 30,000 pages in total), and includes some 500 photos, graphs, charts and maps. Like the Journal of the Siam Society, JBRS was, and still is, the premier research journal on Burma.
JBRS was originally published by The Burma Research Society. From the start, the Burma Research Society represented a fusion of the energy and initiative of a generation of both Burmese and Europeans. These early leading luminaries included John S.Furnivall, Charles Duroiselle, U May Oung, Gordon Luce and U Pe Maung Tin. The society’s meetings and Journal were a forum for enthusiastic debate and research on Burma for seventy years.
The Burma Research Society was inaugurated on 29 March 1910 at a meeting held at the Bernard Free Library, Rangoon. Its aims were “the investigation and encouragement of Art, Science and Literature in relation to Burma and the neighbouring countries”. In 1980, the Society celebrated its seventieth anniversary with a conference at Rangoon University, but was closed down soon after and its Journal ceased publication.
You can search all Open Access journals from here.
Online Database of Illustrations by Bagyi Aung Soe
www.aungsoeillustrations.org is an open-access online database of periodical and book illustrations and covers by Bagyi Aung Soe (1923/24–1990), Myanmar’s trailblazer of modern art, who was also her most prolific illustrator in the twentieth-century. It seeks to conserve the memory of this artistic, cultural and intellectual heritage, to raise awareness of its value and significance, and to foster scholarship on the topic. Users of the database may browse the collection according to the source, date or title of publication of the illustrations, or conduct a search using keywords in English (by 2017). Its contents may be shared freely on social media and be used for non-commercial and educational purposes on the terms stipulated here. High-resolution images may be available upon request.
Zotero is a free, open-source research tool that helps you collect, organize, and analyze research and share it in a variety of ways. Zotero includes the best parts of older reference manager software — the ability to store author, title, and publication fields and to export that information as formatted references — and the best aspects of modern software and web applications, such as the ability to organize, tag, and search in advanced ways. Zotero interacts seamlessly with online resources: when it senses you are viewing a book, article, or other object on the web, it can automatically extract and save complete bibliographic references. Zotero effortlessly transmits information to and from other web services and applications, and it runs both as a web service and offline on your personal devices.
Turnitin is a service for teaching staff to check the similarity of their students work to a range of sources in a classroom setting. Teaching staff can enable originality checking, which allows their students to submit their work to Turnitin.
Turnitin generates an Originality Report, detailing the similarity of the submitted paper to various sources. Teaching staff can use Turnitin as a learning tool, allowing students to generate a report and re-submit the paper after revision. Alternatively, they can use Turnitin purely as a policing tool, generating a final report without the option of resubmission or not allowing the students to view the Originality Report.
Turnitin assists instructors with detecting possible instances of plagiarism in students’ assignments. Instructors can submit assignments for checking on behalf of students, or instructors can authorise students to submit assignments to Turnitin. (Students cannot submit on their own accord.) Turnitin scans the document for similarities with a variety of databases. It then generates a report which highlights possible plagiarized paragraphs and provides the corresponding source(s).