Information Literacy and Subject Librarianship

Training about Information Literacy and Subject Librarianship by Emily Keller, Political Science and Public Policy Librarian, University of Washington Libraries was conducted at the Universities’ Central Library. An opening address was given by Dr. Aung Kyaw, Pro. Rector, University of Yangon, and Daw Yu Yu Tin, Chief Librarian, Universities’ Central Library.







Preservation and Conservation Workshop

Universities’ Central Library held the Preservation and Conservation (PAC) Workshop from 10th – 14th, October 2016 in collaboration with Arizona State University, United States. An opening address was given by Dr. Pho Kaung, Rector, University of Yangon, Dr. Ralph Barnhart Gabbard, Senior Curator Asian Studies, Arizona State University, Daw Yu Yu Tin, Chief Librarian, Universities’ Central Library, and Suzanne Michelle, PAC Specialist at ASU. A total of 33 librarians from University Libraries in Myanmar (Upper and Lower), and teaching staff of LIS Department attended the workshop.

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On 25th-26th April 2016, Workshop on Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Collaboration with FAO, UY, AIMS, AGORA, GODAN, WorldFish, research4life and UCL at Universities’ Central Library, University of Yangon, Myanmar

The workshop about how to access AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture) database is coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in partnership with Cornell University and up to 70 publishers. AGORA provides (Agriculture, fisheries, food, nutrition, veterinary science and related biological, environmental and social sciences) a collection of up to 5,900 journals and 6,400 books to 2,900 institutions in more than 100 countries..


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